Highpoint Center
for Printmaking
PRINTMAKINGFree Ink Day - Harvest Printing
Join us on October 19th for a family-friendly, fall-themed Free Ink Day! Explore the season's textures, patterns, and plants, creating one-of-a-kind print pieces to take home! Visitors will create monotypes using pumpkins, apples, leaves, and more. This event will take place in the Highpoint parking lot (or inside if inclement weather). Let’s get in the spirit of the season!
Highpoint invites the community to an afternoon of hands-on printmaking and creative fun three to four times a year. At these free, family-friendly events, visitors of all ages can drop in anytime during the afternoon to make unique, hand-made artwork. All materials for the planned activity are non-toxic and supplied by Highpoint (while supplies last), and no registration is necessary.
Parking: Enter by walking through HP’s Lake Street entrance or by the driveway off Colfax. Street parking is available, or visitors are encouraged to bike, walk, or take public transit.
912 W Lake St, Minneapolis, MN 55408
Mon–Sat 9–5
(612) 871-1326
Image: Courtesy of Highpoint Center for Printmaking.